お問い合わせ / Contact



    マスクロ@無職 (@__mathkuro__) on X
    底辺プログラマ→無職 / 今はBeamNGのMOD製作してます → / YouTubeもやってます →

    If the submission is successful, an automatic email will be sent to the email address you entered.
    After that, we will communicate with you via email, but depending on the circumstances of our main business, it may take more than one business day for us to respond. Please note.
    (Automatic emails will be sent from the mathkuro.com domain, subsequent emails will be sent from the outlook.jp domain)

    We are also open to Twitter DMs, so if you would like to contact us via Twitter, please contact us below.
    (It would be helpful if you could write something like “I came from your blog” to distinguish it from spam DM)
