2023/1/4) Update command list. (compatible with v0.27.1)
2023/7/7) Update command list. (compatible with v0.29.1)
1.How to use command?
These commands can be used in “System Console”.

You can open it by pressing ^ key.
If not working, let see [Option -> CONTROLS] and look for “console”.
“System Console” has two type of console, one for whole game and the other for each vehicle.
- “GE – Lua”: a console for whole game
- “BeamNG – XX”: a console for each vehicle

“GE – Lua” VS “BeamNG – XX”
If you want to execute command for all vehicles, use “GE – Lua” console, and execute command like this:
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("THE COMMAND YOU WANT TO RUN") end
For example, if you want to explode all vehicles, you can execute like this:
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("fire.explodeVehicle()") end
If you want to execute command for each vehicle, it is much more easy.
Select console for target vehicle, and just execute “THE COMMAND YOU WANT TO RUN“.
For example, if you want to explode a vechivle, only you have to do is executing this command.
From here, I show you funny and convenience command examples.
These are mainly for all vehicles, so if you want to execute for each, please replace like above.
2.Funny Commands
Command for destruction
Breaking All Hinges
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("beamstate.breakHinges()") end
Breaking Completely
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("beamstate.breakAllBreakgroups()") end
Deflate All Tires
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("beamstate.deflateTires()") end
Ignite All Vehicle
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("fire.igniteVehicle()") end
Explode All Vehicle
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("fire.explodeVehicle()") end
Extinguish All Vehicle
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("fire.extinguishVehicle()") end
Command for Force Field
Enable/Disable force field
Enforce force field
(“10” is a multiplier)
Command for Forced Acceleration
Accelerate all vehicle
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("thrusters.applyVelocity(obj:getDirectionVector() * 100)") end
(“100” is a multiplier. This is three times the km/h unit. 100 means 300km/h)
3.Convenience Commands
Command for electrics( for ALL VECHICLE )
Toggle Left Signal
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.toggle_left_signal()") end
Toggle Right Signal
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.toggle_right_signal()") end
Toggle Warn Signal
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.toggle_warn_signal()") end
Turn ON a Light
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.setLightsState(1)") end
Turn ON a High Beam
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.setLightsState(2)") end
Turn OFF a Light
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.setLightsState(0)") end
Turn ON/OFF a Fog light
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.toggle_fog_lights()") end
If a vehicle has no fog lights, this command affects nothing.
Turn ON a Lightbar Signal
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.set_lightbar_signal(1)") end
If a vehicle has no lightbar, this command affects nothing.
Turn ON a Lightbar Signal and Sound a Siren
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.set_lightbar_signal(2)") end
If a vehicle has no lightbar, this command affects nothing.
Turn OFF a Lightbar and Siren
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.set_lightbar_signal(0)") end
If a vehicle has no lightbar, this command affects nothing.
Turn ON an underglow light
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.values.underglow = 1") end
If a vehicle has no underglow light, this command affects nothing.
Turn OFF an underglow light
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("electrics.values.underglow = 0") end
If a vehicle has no underglow light, this command affects nothing.
Command for AI
Set AI mode for each vehicle
mode: ‘flee’, ‘chase’, ‘follow’, ‘traffic’, ‘random’
Stop AI for each vehicle
Generate Traffic
gameplay_traffic.setupTraffic(maxAmount, policeRatio, extraAmount, parkedAmount)
maxAmount: Number of vehicles. Specify an integer value greater than or equal to 0. If -1 is specified, it follows the setting value of the option.
policeRatio: Police ratio. Specify a value between 0.0 and 1.0. (0.0=no police car, 1.0=all police cars)
extraAmount: I don’t know what this mean. Set 0 is working. . .
parkedAmount: Number of parked vehicles. Specify an integer value greater than or equal to 0. If -1 is specified, it follows the setting value of the option.
Delete Traffic
Change AI Role
gameplay_traffic.getTrafficData()[<Vehicle ID>]:setRole('<Role Name>')
Role Name: “police”, “suspect”, “standard”, “service”
Set AI path for all vehicles
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:queueLuaCommand("ai.driveUsingPath{wpTargetList={'xx', 'yy'}, noOfLaps = 1, aggression = 1.0}")) end
More info about this command↓
Reset All Vehicles (fix collapsed skin)
for vid, veh in activeVehiclesIterator() do veh:requestReset() veh:resetBrokenFlexMesh() end
コメント / COMMENT
Thank You. Very helpful